Share Your Struggle With Coworkers

We all feel stressed at work sometimes, and it’s tough to know what to do, especially when we’re supposed to lead others. But did you know that sharing your worries with your team can actually make your team stronger?

Researchers studied how leaders deal with their feelings, and they found three types. The first group is called “heroes.” These leaders focus on positive things and try to make their team believe that they can handle any problem. The second group is “technocrats.” They ignore emotions and only focus on getting things done. The third group is “sharers.” These leaders openly talk about their stresses and fears. Surprisingly, the sharers create the most resilient, close-knit, and high-performing teams.

Heroes might seem positive, but always being upbeat can make them seem distant. Technocrats who ignore emotions often end up with unhappy and unproductive teams. On the other hand, sharers, who talk about their feelings, build the best teams. When leaders share their struggles, it helps the team feel connected and perform better.

If you want to be a better leader, try becoming a sharer:


  • Check in with yourself and understand your own emotions before dealing with others. Spend some time each day thinking or talking about how you feel. Just 15 minutes of reflection can help you perform better.

Start small:

  • If you’re not close with your coworkers yet, start by sharing small things that bother you rather than big challenges. Gradually build up to more important topics.

Plan your disclosures:

  • Don’t share all your deep thoughts at once. Think about what you can share and when to make others comfortable and allow yourself time to think.

Create dedicated time for sharing:

  • Don’t turn every meeting into a complaining session. Set aside specific times, like weekly one-on-one meetings, to discuss feelings. This helps create a positive environment.

Model effective emotion regulation:

  • Lead by example. Ask for help when you need it, and show that reaching out for support is okay. Supporting others can also improve your health and mood.

Share the good and the bad:

  • Nobody’s perfect. Be open about your failures and how you would do things differently. When your team sees you talk about your challenges, they feel more comfortable doing the same.

Good leaders don’t hide their struggles; they share them openly and honestly. This helps create a positive and strong team.

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