Getting the Hybrid Workplace Right

Businesses are changing how they work, and it’s not just a temporary thing. Some want everyone back in the office like before, but others are embracing more flexible ways of working.

Leaders are facing a big question: Is this focus on flexibility and well-being just a trend, or is it the new normal? Research shows that the past two years have greatly affected how people think about work, and it’s not something that can be ignored or reversed.

What’s Changing:

Varied Priorities for Employees:

  • People are rethinking what’s important to them in their jobs.
  • 47% of employees now prioritize family and personal life over work, and 53% prioritize health and well-being.
  • Many are considering changing jobs because of issues like mental health, work-life balance, and a lack of flexible work hours.

Challenges for Managers:

  • Managers play a crucial role but often feel stuck between what employees want and what leaders decide.
  • Half of the managers feel their bosses are out of touch with their workers.
  • Employees who’ve worked remotely think they’ve done well, but leaders sometimes don’t see it the same way.

Making the Office Worthwhile:

  • Companies want employees back in the office, but the reasons aren’t always clear.
  • 51% of employees in hybrid arrangements plan to go fully remote soon.
  • Leaders need to make in-person meetings meaningful and inclusive, creating new rules for hybrid meetings.

Balancing Work and Personal Time:

  • Many have been working longer hours since 2020.
  • Employees are trying to be more deliberate with their time, with changes like starting meetings later on Mondays and ending earlier on Fridays.

Rebuilding Workplace Connections:

  • Remote work has affected workplace connections, especially for those exclusively working from home.
  • 58% of hybrid employees have maintained strong connections with their teams, but remote-only workers face more challenges.
  • Encouraging networking and in-person engagement is essential.

These changes are here to stay, and businesses that adapt will have a competitive advantage. The way people see work and their expectations have shifted, and companies need to embrace new ways of thinking to move forward successfully.

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